Archive - February 2022


The Rabbi of Rozadov had a dedicated chassid who was childless, and who frequently begged the Rabbi for a bracha (blessing) that he have a child. The Rabbi often blessed...


1. There was a pious man who was quite charitable, helping all those in need. Once, he set out in a boat and a storm came and sank his boat in the sea. Rabbi Akiva...

The Belief in Moshiach

The belief in the coming of Moshiach and the Messianic redemption is one of the fundamental principles of the Jewish faith.1 Every Jew must believe that Moshiach will...


“Because of our sins,” we say in the Musaf prayer recited on the festivals, “we were exiled from our land and driven from our soil. No longer are we...


It turns out that lots of people believe in life after death. Two polls conducted by The Gallup Organization report that 79% of Americans believe that after they die...