An excerpt from an audience with the Lubavitcher Rebbe in the year 1963 Rebbe: Many people feel unable to accept the idea of Moshiach. They cannot...
Almost since the inception of Christianity, some Christians have made it their life’s work to convert others, including Jews. At times, these missionaries have...
Imagine that you have lived your entire life in a dark tunnel. Your parents and grandparents lived there too, and so did their parents and grandparents. You have grown...
PART ONE: Roots of the judicial system; jurisdiction of the courts; criteria for judicial decisions; standards within the court system; standards and goals for judges 1...
A. Special Mitzvot Teshuvah: First and foremost among these mitzvot is the principle of teshuvah. “When you return unto G‑d, your G‑d, and will listen to His voice...
A. Restoration of the Bet Hamikdash Moshiach shall restore the Bet Hamikdash in Jerusalem.5 This refers to the third Bet Hamikdash that will stand forever, in...
In one of his travels, chassidic master Rabbi Dov Ber of Radoshitz occasioned to stay the night at a wayside inn. In the morning, he sought out the innkeeper. ...
The story is told of a simple, unlettered Jew who kept a tavern on a distant crossroads many weeks’ journey from the nearest Jewish community, who one year decided...
Below is a collection of eight quotesthat substantiate that there will in fact be a resurrection. Each quote is followed by notes and insights. Scroll down to see the...