Author - Mendy

The Moshiach in Our Time

It may cause dismay and serve as somewhat of a disappointment that, in the opinion of Maimonides, the messianic era will not be all that miraculous. This does not in any...

The Creed of Noah

At the dawn of human history, G-d gave man seven rules to follow in order that His world be sustained. So it is recounted in the Book of Genesis as interpreted by our...

The Right Not to Know

“Knowledge is power,” goes the knowing cliché. Like most clichés, this is true. If you knew what your bargaining partner’s fallback position was; if...

The Fight for the Noose

It was during the time of the Polish “Povstanie” (Uprising) against the Russians. A band of some three thousand Polish patriots gathered in the woods near...

Historical Overview

The code of Divine Law that we now know as the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah has been with mankind since the creation of the first man, Adam. Though man is...

Story: A Surgical Procedure

In 1854, Rabbi Yehoshua Rokeach, the Belzer Rebbe, suffered from a succession of mysterious ailments. Although he was in much pain, he maintained a cheerful countenance...