The concept of simchah shares a connection to the Future Redemption. For it is in the Era of the Redemption that we will experience the consummate...
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Geulah Ahavas Yisrael will bring the future redemption.[1] the reason for the exile is baseless hatred,[2] and ahavas Yisrael – love for no...
Prophecies as Allegories The[1] Rambam sets out the following principles in regard to the Era of the Redemption:[2] One should not entertain the...
“May it be your will, L-rd our G-d and G-d of our fathers, that the Holy Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days….” —Ethics Of The...
Chanukah is the time of the re-dedication of the Holy Temple. The festival commemorates the Maccabees’ restoring the Second Temple to its...
A Jew comes home from synagogue and tells his wife: “They say the Messiah is coming any day, and will take us all to Israel.” The wife...
Three Diverse Sources The[1] belief in the coming of Mashiach is a fundamental element of the Jewish faith. Thus, the Rambam writes:[2] Whoever does...