Question: What I’ve read here about Moshiach excites me, but I’d be happier to get a scaled-down version of Moshiach: Someone who will solve the...
Archive - February 2022
By asserting the imminence of Moshiach’s coming, we are setting ourselves up for a big fall. Isn’t it dangerous to raise people’s hopes and...
Question: The Jews have survived 2,000 years in exile without Moshiach, why can’t we continue another 2,000 years without him? Answer: The callous statement, can...
The code of Divine Law that we now know as the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah has been with mankind since the creation of the first man, Adam. Though man is...
In 1854, Rabbi Yehoshua Rokeach, the Belzer Rebbe, suffered from a succession of mysterious ailments. Although he was in much pain, he maintained a cheerful countenance...
This eBook summarizes the Jewish teachings on this subject to inform and guide the Gentiles, or descendants of Noah. Jewish readers will also be interested in learning...
Three Diverse Sources The[1] belief in the coming of Mashiach is a fundamental element of the Jewish faith. Thus, the Rambam writes:[2] Whoever does not believe in him...
The Scriptures are replete with messianic quotes. In Deuteronomy 30:1 Moshe prophesies that, after the Jews have been scattered to the four corners of the earth, there...