Question: Sometimes I shudder at the thought of Moshiach and the Day of Judgment that is mentioned in the bible. Who wants to be held up to that type of scrutiny by a...
Question: Why do you think that the Messiah’s arrival is imminent, after all most Jews today do not observe Judaism? Answer: The fact that a majority of Jews are...
What right do we have to demand Moshiach? Isn’t it presumptuous and blasphemous to tell G-d what to do? The entire Psalms, Tanach and the Siddur (the Jewish...
Question: What I’ve read here about Moshiach excites me, but I’d be happier to get a scaled-down version of Moshiach: Someone who will solve the...
By asserting the imminence of Moshiach’s coming, we are setting ourselves up for a big fall. Isn’t it dangerous to raise people’s hopes and...
Question: The Jews have survived 2,000 years in exile without Moshiach, why can’t we continue another 2,000 years without him? Answer: The callous statement, can...
Some of the most important questions of what will take place in the messianic era-how long will the messianic epoch last, will people live forever, will there be a...