Author - Mendy

The Business End of Exile

And the entire world came to Egypt to Joseph to buy food, for the famine was severe in all lands… And Joseph collected all the money that was to be found in the...

Bringing Moshiach through Joy

The concept of simchah shares a connection to the Future Redemption. For it is in the Era of the Redemption that we will experience the consummate level of simchah. At...

Ahavat Yisrael and Moshiach

Geulah Ahavas Yisrael will bring the future redemption.[1] the reason for the exile is baseless hatred,[2] and ahavas Yisrael – love for no reason – love...

Who Will Build the 3rd Temple?

Chanukah is the time of the re-dedication of the Holy Temple. The festival commemorates the Maccabees’ restoring the Second Temple to its original sanctity after...

Jokes and Speech Openers

A Jew comes home from synagogue and tells his wife: “They say the Messiah is coming any day, and will take us all to Israel.” The wife becomes hysterical...


1. Of all the categories of the Seven Universal Command­ments, the prohibition against theft may be the hardest to obey. Human history and psychology are in clear...

The Old Man on The Island

For many years, Rabbi Zeev Kitzes, one of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov’s senior disciples, yearned to travel to the Holy Land. Finally, the long-awaited opportunity...